
Because this course allows for different students to complete different work on different days, I was in a bit of a quandary about how best to use Canvas.  My decision is to enter every assignment that anyone could have due on the course calendar, and then to drop a certain number of them. So, please remember that the schedule you outlined in your learning plan in the first week will help keep you on track, perhaps better than the assignment due dates in Canvas.

Mar 24, 2020TueIntroduction to the Course and its Rhythmsdue by 05:59AM
Mar 25, 2020WedIntroducing Ourselvesdue by 05:59AM
Mar 27, 2020FriLearning Plandue by 05:59AM
Mar 28, 2020SatWords of the Week: Beyond Schoolingdue by 02:59AM
Mar 28, 2020SatIntroduction to first set of Big Ideas textsdue by 05:59AM
Mar 31, 2020TueKindling Forum 1due by 05:59AM
Mar 31, 2020TueA Word from Katherine--Week 2due by 05:59AM
Apr 01, 2020WedWord of the Week: Belief, Religious Literacy, and Content Knowledgedue by 05:59AM
Apr 03, 2020FriPresentations on Foster, Harris, and Wimberlydue by 05:59AM
Apr 04, 2020SatChecking Indue by 05:59AM
Apr 04, 2020SatResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
Apr 07, 2020TuePresentations on Lee, Groome, Essex Conversationsdue by 05:59AM
Apr 08, 2020WedResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
Apr 10, 2020FriKindling Forum 2due by 05:59AM
Apr 10, 2020FriIntroduction to Second Set of Big Ideas Readings and Update on Gathering Daysdue by 05:59AM
Apr 14, 2020TuePresentations on Sample, Chellew-Hodge, Ayresdue by 05:59AM
Apr 15, 2020WedResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
Apr 17, 2020FriKindling Forum 3due by 05:59AM
Apr 18, 2020SatWords of the Week: Freedom and Engagementdue by 05:59AM
Apr 18, 2020SatIntegrative Rest Stopdue by 05:59AM
Apr 21, 2020TuePresentations on Gunning Francis, Root, Zirschkydue by 05:59AM
Apr 21, 2020TueFinal Gathering Days Scheduledue by 05:59AM
Apr 22, 2020WedResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
Apr 24, 2020FriHandouts from Gathering Daysdue by 05:59AM
Apr 29, 2020WedInside Out, Emotions, Memory, and Learningdue by 05:59AM
May 01, 2020FriKindling Forum 4due by 05:59AM
May 01, 2020FriFaith Development Across the Lifespandue by 05:59AM
May 02, 2020SatWords of the Week: Tradition and Transformationdue by 05:59AM
May 05, 2020TuePresentations on Goto, Kujawa-Holbrook, Tran, Wimberlydue by 05:59AM
May 06, 2020WedResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
May 08, 2020FriKindling Forum 5due by 05:59AM
May 09, 2020SatWord of the Week: Spiritualitydue by 05:59AM
May 09, 2020SatA Word from Katherine- Spirituality, and Don't Do Work that You Don't Have To!due by 05:59AM
May 12, 2020TuePresentations on Vennard, Pohl, Alexander, Niejewaar, Cahalan/McLemore, Martindue by 05:59AM
May 12, 2020TueResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 07:59PM
May 15, 2020FriKindling Forum 6due by 05:59AM
May 16, 2020SatWords of the Week: Vocation and Discernmentdue by 05:59AM
May 19, 2020TuePresentations on "Wild Card" Textsdue by 05:59AM
May 20, 2020WedResponding to the Big Ideasdue by 05:59AM
May 22, 2020FriKindling Forum 7due by 05:59AM
May 23, 2020SatWord of the Week: Discipleship/Following the Way of Jesus or A Bilingual Aestheticdue by 05:59AM
May 27, 2020WedFinal Integrative Rest Stopdue by 05:59AM
May 30, 2020SatFinal Paperdue by 05:59AM