Violence and Theology in Africa

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Theology and Violence in Africa

Dr. Tinyiko Maluleke

Dr. Andriette Jordan-Fields

Policies and Services

Course Synopsis

This course is designed to introduce the students to Christianity in Africa. The course will particularly seek to introduce the students to some of the spiritual and theological strategies and tactics used by some African Christian leaders in order to deal or cope with violent contexts. The primary focus will be the strategies of lament and giving of an account for hope (Emmanuel Katongole) as well as a theology of forgiveness by (Desmond Tutu and Pumla Gobodo Madikizela). This is a living document and is subject to change given time/travel constraints.

Backgrounding Reading

Primary Text

Additional Resources


Week 1 ~ October 2nd - 5th

Read : Introducing Christianity in Africa - Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Focus on the introduction) Christianity In Sub-Saharan Africa.pdf

Guiding Question 1 : What would you see as the main trends/characteristics of Chrisitianity in Africa? Explain why.

Guiding Question 2 : If South Africa Christianity as profiled by Maluleke was representative of the entire continent, what would you regard as the five main characteristics of Christianity in Africa? (pp 43- 54) Explain why.

Read : Desmond Tutu's Earliest Notions and Vision of Church, Humanity and Society. Ecumenical Review, Volume 67 Number 4, pp 572-590. The_Ecumenical_Review.pdf

Guiding Question 3 : Given his childhood and his experiences shared in this article, how would you think these experiences have influenced the values and spiritual strategies of Desmond Tutu?

Week 2 ~ October 9th -13th

Read : Born of Lament: The theology and politics of hope in Africa. (Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 3-38)

Guiding Question 1 : Critically review Katongole's review of Stearn's Dancing in the Glory of Monsters. (Feel Free to read Stearns and other reviews of Stearns).

Guiding Question 2 : What does Katongole see as the essential problem with theology in Africa? Do you Agree? Do you think Katongole's intended use of portraiture as a theologicial tool of analysis will help deal with some of the problems he has identified and how? (pg. 33)

Read : Born of Lament: The theology and politics of hope in Africa. (Lament defined and illustrated pp. 41-121)

Guiding Question: Critically evaluate Katongole's use of sections of the book of Lamentations and Psalms in order to define what lament entails. Also, evaluate how Kantogole uses music, poetry and art as fountains and forms of lament?

Week 3 ~ October 16th - 20th

Read : Born of Lament: The theology and politics of hope in Africa.

Guiding Question: Critically evalutate Katongole's handling of the stories of Emmanuel Katzliko, Rosemary Nyirumbe and Maggy Barankitse pp 225 - 342, as examples of agency, faith activism and lament in the midst of violence.

Read : A Human Being Died Last Night

Guiding Question:

Write a critical review of this book. Your review should touch on the following:

- the power relations between Madikizela and de Kock,

- the most significant encounters between de Kock and Madikizela,

- whether de Kock allowed himself to be emotionally vulnerable,

- the significance of the night de Kock realised that a human being died,

- whether Madikizela methods were capable of unearthing the truth,

- whether de Kock was remorseful

- whether de Kock can and should be forgiven

- identify and evaluate the key strategies which Madikizela proposes for dealing with de Kock and the trauma which he has caused his victims and the nation.


Read Tinyiko Maluleke's review of Emmanuel Katongole's "Born in Lament" in the link below.


Read Tinyiko Maluleke's critical Opinion Piece on forgiveness in South Africa which makes some comments on sections of  Pumla Gobodo Madikizela's "A human being  died that night".


Week 4 ~ October 23rd - 27th

Read : Made for Goodness: And Why All This Makes A Difference

Guiding Question 1 : How does Tutu define and illustrate 'goodness" theologically?

Guiding Question 2 : According to Tutu how are we to understand God's presence in our suffering, failure and conflicts, including conflict with family members?

Read : Pumla Dineo Gqola's Rape: A South African Nightmare Chapter 7 [Rape Myths], pp 143-151

Guiding Question: Given your reading of Katongole and Tutu write a theological response to Gqola's eleven rape myths. Free free to add other rape myths you may be aware of which are not included in this list.

Week 5 ~ October 30 - November 3rd / Final Assesement

The Hunting Ground : A documentary on sexual violence in American Univerisites.

Final Paper: After watching the film and in light of your reading of  Katongole's 'Born from Lament', Desmond and Mpho Tutu's 'Made for Goodness', Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela's 'A Human Being Died That Night' and others, write a theological response to the film.

a) In your response,

- You are encouraged to refer to the theological notions of lament (Katongole), goodness (Tutu and Tutu), forgiveness (Gobodo-Madikizela) and hope (Katongole).

- You are encouraged to consider and critically utilize the methodologies of portraiture and biblical exegesis (Katongole).

- You are encouraged to refer to Pumla Dineo Gqola's chapter on rape myths (Gqola).

b) Please refer to the Rubric which Dr Jordan-Fields recently shared with all of you in order to structure the shape and contents of your response.

Oct 09, 2017MonWeek 1 - October 2nd - 6thdue by 05:59AM
Oct 16, 2017MonWeek 2 - October 9th - 13thdue by 05:59AM
Oct 23, 2017MonWeek 3 - October 16th - 20thdue by 05:59AM
Oct 30, 2017MonWeek 4 - October 23rd - 27thdue by 05:59AM
Nov 09, 2017ThuWeek 5 October 30th - November 3rddue by 06:59AM