Presbyterian Polity

Presbyterian Polity

Iliff School of Theology; Winter Quarter 2017

Anne Wainstein Bond

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the polity of the Presbyterian Church (USA) [PCUSA] using its Constitution as the basis for governance and worship of churches. This will require students to become familiar with the Book of Order [BOO] and the Book of Confessions [BOC], and their use in the governance, worship and theology of the PCUSA. Additionally, the class will include exercises to help prepare students for ordination examinations, and an introduction to Robert's Rules of Order and its use in church governance.

Course Objectives:

-- Develop understanding of principles of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the basics of governance and its theological basis.

-- Prepare for leadership in the Presbyterian Church (USA) as Teaching/Ruling Elders and as Presbyters.

-- Understand roles and responsibilities of leading congregational life, ministry and worship.

-- Begin preparation for ordination examinations.


Readings Forum and Graded Discussions: 40%. Students are required to prepare all class assignments and complete readings. They are expected to participate in the online discussion, responding to the instructor questions and other student responses. Each week's discussion is worth 4 points: three for the initial posting in answer to the discussion questions (due by the Thursday of the week) and one point for responding to other student postings (due by the Monday of the next week).

Presbytery and Session Observations (or alternate assignment): 10% ( five points per assignment). Students are expected to attend a Presbytery and a local congregation Session meeting and submit reflections on each addressing instructor questions (to be included on the assignment page). Written reflections shall be approximately 2 pages in length.

Ordination Examination Practice Questions: 20%. Students will submit answers to two ordination examination questions. The first will be developed as part of a team; the second will be an individual response. While length might vary, these are expected to be what is reasonable to develop in one hour, as per the formal examination process. Citations supporting the answers must be included in the response.

Reformed Worship Service Development: 15%. Students will develop a worship service (minus sermon) which conforms to the Directory for Worship and reflects core values of the Reformed Tradition.

Reflections on a Confession: 15%. Students will select one of the confessions and prepare a 3-page reflection, including why this confession was compelling, how this connects theologically with the Foundations portion of the Book of Order, and how it is important to the 21st-Century church.

Required Books:

The first three readings are available for free download at   Look on the upper right for selection of Book of Order and Book of Confessions . When clicking on one of these, a page with many PCUSA resources appears. Select "Proposed Amendments to the Constitution 2016" for the revised Directory for Worship.

Book of Order 2015-2017 . Students may wish to purchase a copy of this book; however, be aware that a new edition will be available in summer 2017.

[Optional] Proposed Directory for Worship in the Book of Order . This is being presented to presbyteries for approval this year. Students may read the current DOW or the proposed version (shorter and more concise).

Book of Confessions (current). Students may wish to have a hard copy of this book, as it is not likely to change for at least the next six years.

Parliamentary Procedures in the Presbyterian Church (USA) , by Marion Wolfe. This 20-page pamphlet gives basics of Roberts Rules of Order for any level of church work. This may be purchased ( $3 plus shipping) from PCUSA at Presbyterian Distribution Services, 1-800-524-2612; publication #OGA-14-070.

Class Approach and Overall Expectations:

This course will be fully an online written discussion without videos, conferencing or formal lectures. Each week, the instructor will pose several questions related to the reading assignments. Students are required to respond substantively to the questions and the responses of others. Responses are to be non-judgmental, reflective, and  respectful; discussion should included citations from readings as appropriate. Weekly responses should be completed by Thursday of each week; responses to the submission by classmates must be completed by the following Monday.

Assignments should be submitted to group or to instructor alone, to be announced as per instructions.

NOTE: Two assignments require variable scheduling: attending a Presbytery meeting and attending a Session meeting. Knowing that students are scattered across the nation, it may happen that Presbytery attendance is not possible. Students in the Denver area are REQUIRED to attend the Denver Presbytery Assembly on January 24 at Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church, 6:00-9:00pm (please check in ). Students elsewhere must contact the Presbytery of residence (or nearby enough to attend) to schedule attendance. If you are in a Presbytery which will not  hold a meeting during the months of January or February, please contact the instructor directly to receive directions for an alternate assignment.

Attendance at a Presbyterian church Session may be at the church of your membership, current participation, or in your community. Please contact the pastor of the church to arrange for your observation of a stated meeting during January or February.

Questions to be addressed in the reports of meeting observation will be distributed with the assignment for the first week of the quarter.

Schedule and Assignments:

Dates noted are the Monday of each week. All assignments and discussion to be completed as noted for that week

Jan 13, 2017FriWeek 1, January 9; Introduction to the Book of Order; Post by Jan 12, Reply by Jan 16due by 06:59AM
Jan 20, 2017FriWeek 2, January 16: PCUSA Structures and Councils: Post by Jan 19, Reply by Jan 23due by 06:59AM
Jan 27, 2017FriWeek 3, January 23: The Local Congregation. Post by Jan 26, Reply by Jan 30due by 06:59AM
Feb 03, 2017FriWeek 4, January 30. Ordination and the Role of a Presbyter/Spiritual Leader. Post by Feb 2, Reply by Feb 6.due by 06:59AM
Feb 10, 2017FriWeek 5, February 6: The Church in the World. Post by Feb 9, reply by Feb 13due by 06:59AM
Feb 13, 2017MonWeek 5, January 30. Practice Ordination Examination in Groups. Post by Feb 10, Reply by Feb 14.due by 06:59AM
Feb 17, 2017FriWeek 6, February 13. The Rules of Discipline. Post by Feb 16, Reply by Feb 20due by 06:59AM
Mar 04, 2017SatWeek 1, January 9: Arrange Session and Presbytery visitsdue by 06:59AM
Mar 04, 2017SatReport on Presbytery Observation/Conversationdue by 06:59AM
Mar 04, 2017SatReport on Session Observationdue by 06:59AM